الجلد الجاف PHA

AHA للبشرة الحساسة

BHA للبشرة الدهنية

هانسكين زيت التنظيف والرؤوس السوداء 300 مل


  • المكونات المهيجة للبشرة والجانب المتصل بالجلد يقلل من الزيت السميك وعالي الكثافة بلطف يعالج البشرة الضعيفة والحساسة.
  • يمتص هيكل جزيء PHA بلطف على الجلد، ويذيب دهون الجلد والجلد الميت بلطف لعلاج الرؤوس السوداء والمسام.
  • يقوم مكون مستشعر الزيت الذي يتفاعل مع المكياج والشوائب بإزالة كريم الأساس وكريم بي بي وأحمر الشفاه والماسكارا وغيرها من المكياج والزهم بشكل فعال.

كيف تستعمل

  • 1) على الأيدي الجافة، استخدمي كمية مناسبة من الزيت لوضعها على الوجه الجاف.
  • 2) دلكي بلطف لمدة 30 ثانية، بللي كمية صغيرة من الماء ثم دلكي مرة أخرى.
  • 3) اشطفيه بالماء الفاتر جيداً.

المكون الرئيسي

  • زيت الزيتون، زيت البرتقال، مستخلص الرجلة العادية، عصير أوراق الصبار، الأكسجين


  • العلامة التجارية: هانسكين
  • الموديل: PHA للبشرة الجافة، AHA للبشرة الحساسة، BHA للبشرة الدهنية
  • المنطقة المستهدفة: الوجه
  • نوع البشرة: جميع أنواع البشرة
  • السعة: 300 مل
  • الحالة: 100% جديد تمامًا مع الصندوق الأصلي
  • بلد المنشأ: جمهورية كوريا

Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
Veronika T.

This is one of my all time favourite purchases from DODO. I have very dry and sensitive skin and this cleanser takes off all makeup and is gentle like a dream. And best of all I actually noticed that my blackheads are significantly smaller after a few months of use! Smells very pleasant like lemons.

kimson k.
Highly recommend

One of favourite cleansing out so far. I have been using this for a year, and can't explain by words how good it is. Smell is amazing. I love citrus fragrance.


This is my favourite oil cleanser - perfect consistency, and really melts everything away (can't say that for all oil cleansers). Frankly, the only reason why I don't buy it as much is because it's a bit more expensive than other brands.

amazing cleansing oil

i love how this comes in a large quantity, and it is so great at removing my makeup and all the other gunk that accumulates on my face throughout the day. it feels very nourishing as well, highly recommend


Well at first I didnt think an oil can do much for the skin but since trying this im in love. As you massage it you can feel all the impurities come out of your pores and it emulsifies better than any other oil i tried. Its not heavy and will not clog ur skin as some cleansers can do. Im srsly blown away by this product. And no one can beat the price, yesstyle is definitely the cheapest!

It works!

Many skincare label blackhead removal and only few work. I have tried various cleansing oil and they've worked on effectively removing the makeup. However, this products removes the makeup well and I have also notices it really helps in removing sebum and blackheads as I can visibly see the blackheads in my nose reducing. This cleansing oil doesn't leave any oily residue. It's perfect!

Great for the T-Zone

This product is very effective at reducing my blackheads in my oily T-Zone. I also find that if I use it prior to extracting blackheads the blackheads just pop right out. It is too drying to use all over my face as I have combination skin but it has been fabulous otherwise. The bottle is huge so it is really great value.


My skin is like really dry in some part (mouth area, forehead) and okay in other parts after a facewash. Even though I've used facewash specifically for dry skin, it's still the same. Until I found this product. My skins are not dry after I use this product. It's an oil, you massage your face with it, then wash it off with water and it comes off easily (there will be no oil left in your face). It even rubs off heavy makeup easily.


I've never used an oil cleanser before but I wanted to try this as I was suffering from blackheads and a few whiteheads at the time. This has completely transformed my skin and it makes it feel so soft. Would definitely recommend​!!!!

Natalia K.
Love it !

First of all, the smell of this cleanser is AMAZINGLY calming and still refreshing!! Like citrus essential oils. The consistency is thicker than I expected but perfect for doing facial massages while working cleanser around your face.

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