AROMATICA شامبو فروة رأس روزماري 400 مل


  • إنه ينظف برفق الخلايا الجلدية الميتة في فروة الرأس كل يوم مع إكليل الجبل ومقشر قابلة للذوبان في الدهون BHA (حمض الساليسيليك).
  • حمض الساليسيليك (BHA) ، مقشر قابلة للذوبان في الدهون يتميز باختراق أفضل من AHA ، يزيل النفايات التي تمنع المسام في فروة الرأس ، مما يخلق قاعدة فروة الرأس النظيفة.
  • يتم استخراج إكليل الجبل وأوراق الصنوبر وأوراق الريحان وريحان أوراق الأوريغانو والأوريغانو مباشرة من خلال إزالة الأكسدة وتسليمها إلى جذور الرأس والجذور كما هي.
  • البروبيوتيك والكافيين توازن فروة الرأس التي فقدت التوازن.
  • تتم إضافة العناصر الغذائية الجذرية مثل البيوتين والبانثينول والأحماض الأمينية لجعلها أم صحية صلبة حتى نهاية الجذر مع التغذية الحساسة.
  • تساعد مكونات Rosemary α-Pinene و Bevernone في تداول فروة الرأس ، وتساعد Hamazulene المستندة إلى Cedarwood على تنظيف فروة الرأس ، والاستيقاظ على حيوية فروة الرأس للنوم.

كيف تستعمل

  • قم بإزالة كمية مناسبة من الرغوة ، والتدليك بالتساوي على فروة رأسك الرطبة ، وشطفها جيدًا.


  • ماركة : AROMATICA
  • السعة: 400 مل
  • المنطقة المستهدفة: الوجه
  • نوع الجلد: جميع أنواع البشرة
  • الحالة: 100 ٪ جديد تمامًا مع المربع الأصلي
  • بلد المنشأ: جمهورية كوريا

Citation Image Copyright Statement

All images featured on this website are either sourced from the respective brands' websites, edited by our team, or taken by our photographers. Images sourced from brands' websites are used in accordance with their terms of use and are the property of their respective owners. Edited images undergo significant modifications by our team to suit our platform's requirements. Original images taken by our photographers are the exclusive property of DODO GLOBAL INC. Unauthorized use or reproduction of any images on this website is strictly prohibited. For inquiries regarding image usage or copyright, please contact

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We certify that all products offered for sale on our platform are sourced directly from authorized distributors of genuine Korean beauty brands. Our commitment to authenticity ensures that every product you purchase is guaranteed to be genuine and of the highest quality. For further inquiries regarding product authenticity, please contact us at

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews

I will be re purchasing this shampoo, I like how it does not make my hair greasy easily like a lot of other shampoos I have tried.


Helps a lot with oily scalp and dandruff!! Also really love the smell , its like im at the spa!

Carol S.

I really like the smell of rosemary. It cleans the scalp very well.


Never had a shampoo that's been this good for my hair before! I love it! My hair feels extremely nice and healthy. My scalp doesn't itch as much anymore either. I have their scrub and use it together, its very nice!

Loved by all

Everyone in my family likes to use this shampoo, I bought it once and now it is the only shampoo We all use.


Amazing fragrance, lathers well. hair does feel squeaky clean but very light once dried.

Such a good shampoo

My hair is really oily with dry ends. this shampoo cleans my scalp and gives volume on my hair, also the rosemary oil helps my hair to grow!

Soo good!

I can feel that it’s helping with my hair loss. I’m already buying second bottle . Smell is like rosemary oil. And it has a cooling sensation on the scalp.

Love it so much

I have the hair lost problem before. I can see my baby hair is glowing after I use this rosemary shampoo. I would like to buy this product again and again. I like it so much.

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