La historia de Whoo
    WhoospA Essence Shampoo 350ml

    Fortificado con el ingrediente de esencia herbal, Coptis.
    Estimula la circulación sanguínea y restaura el equilibrio esencial del cuero cabelludo.
    Alivia la piel sensible desequilibrada y cansada de la estimulación externa.
    Gongjinbidan mantiene la armonía de la piel, equilibrando yin (húmedo) y yang (seco) saludablemente.
    Varios ingredientes medicinales orientales hidratan, nutren, suavizan, vitalizan y iluminan la piel.

    Cómo utilizar
    Tome una cantidad apropiada, espuma suficientemente con agua.
    Masajee el cabello húmedo y el cuero cabelludo a fondo, y lave las burbujas con agua tibia.

    Brand: La historia de Whoo
    Capacidad: 350 ml
    Área objetivo: cabello
    Tipo de piel: todo tipo de piel
    Condición: 100% nuevo con caja original
    País de origen: República de Corea

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 3 reviews
    Very good

    I have been using The History of Whoo hair conditioner for a long time and am very happy with it. It smells pleasant, is easy to use and leaves a good feeling. It also contains high-quality ingredients.

    A great conditioner from The History of Whoo

    I have been using The History of Whoo hair conditioner for several years and am very satisfied with the effect. It does what it promises, the smell is pleasant, the ingredients are good and it's easy to use. I'm happy that I can now get the conditioner here at Yesstyle, because it's not that easy to get. The packaging in The History of Whoo style is also very successful. I'm very satisfied.

    Very nice

    A superb product that I bought by mistake! Still so happy with it, now I am looking for the shampoo! This is basically a conditioner!

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